Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Best I Ever Had

It was soft,
So soft
His tongue brushed my lip,
Teased the space between.
Unbidden my lips parted
So hot
The feel of his tongue against mine
The rolling and stroking of his tongue
Against the perimeters of my mouth
So sweet
The taste of him
Deeper and deeper
The kiss continued
My hands caressing the nape of his head
Drawing him even closer
Oh dear loss
As our lips draw apart reluctantly
He literally took my breath away.
My eyes flutter open seconds later
My glazed eyes slowly start to focus again
I see him smiling down at me
Those lips
Those utterly delicious lips
Our eyes connect
And we start all over again.


Unknown said...

I don't think I've read a more detailed poem ... or anything, about a kiss before. Loving it!

TMinx said...

Wow, nice one Noni. Just realised the blog is open to everyone for now.

Noni Moss said...

Thanks :-D

The poetry is open to anyone. Noni's chat room is only open to everyone for a short while.

Anonymous said...

You are something else. Keep writing poems like that and you are going to take away the most scandelous blogger award away from overwhelmed.

Noni Moss said...

Lolll - thank you beauty but I have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go before i come close to Overwhelmed.

LondonBuki said...

Ok... why do I wish this were my poem? LOL!

I felt like I was the one experiencing this!

Where can I get a piece of the action? ;-)

Love it!

Noni Moss said...

:-D i'm sure you've got mad game this girl - you should be telling us everything you get up to.

Mak said...

B_EA-UTIFUL poem!!

Noni Moss said...

Loll - thank you!