Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I couldn't decide what name to choose from between Getting head/Down South/Booty Call for this, but have since gone with popular conjecture, which i then changed to Downtown when I saw the SWV video again (totally didn't get it at the time - loll)

Oh and this is dedicated to Soul who’s poem [Soul – why] and impatience pushed me to write this, as well as OWNB, who's openness about sex makes me feel slightly brave.



It’s 3.40am
I’m running to the shower but he beats me to it.
The doorbell rings as I’m wrapped in my towel.
Ahh well, I asked for it.
I can’t keep him waiting.
I open the door.

We are on the floor in the living room.
My towel has dropped by the hallway
He is licking me out.
His tongue is hot, wet, unimaginable.
This is better than anything I could have dreamed when I called him over
He is stroking my clitoris and the spaces in between
He grasps my thighs and pulls me closer
He slides his tongue into my hole and circles the rim
Oh my god, I want to die

His tongue is twisting …
Tapping …
Searching …
And oh dear lord he finds it.
It is too much
I am moaning, squirming, moving, scratching, pulling
It is too much
I can’t take it anymore
He continues.

And continues,
And continues.
He is trying, bless him, he really is
All of a sudden it hits me
I’m not there anymore
That crazy intense I’m going to explode any second, feeling has dissipated
I have somehow moved from that to this,
This, which is doing nothing for me …
I have lost my mojo.

I tell him to stop
He tries to insist on finishing
But I make him stop.
It was a good effort.
Thanks for coming over.
I’ll call you tomorrow.


Unknown said...

lol ... I like this, very very explicit and I admire you for putting your thoughts down on your laptop and even more for posting it up here!

I like Down South the most of the three titles ...

Lol and I can't help feeling sorry for the boy! Very Janet Jackson-esque!

Noni Moss said...

Lolll - I have a signature? hahaha. Tell me!

Thank you guys - your opinion means a lot.

soul said...

You know what I like about this..
it's like I caught my breathe when I was reading it..and I had this staccato beat in my head..
Like walking through someone else's blurry day dream.

It's like start. stop. start.stop.
I like it. I like how open it is.

oh and you dedicated this to me!. I'm soo fucking honoured lady. I don't even know what to say to that.
Nice one Noni.
Here's to redicovering your mojo. :)

Poetic Justice said...

I LOVE IT! You are out of your mind girl. Hey sometimes the mind wanders.