Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pre You

You once asked me
“Who was/is she to you?”

I couldn’t answer then
There were no words

She was you,
Before YOU came along.


LondonBuki said...

Ok, this got me thinking.

Not sure if I've figured it out.

Noni Moss said...

:-D tell me your thoughts

Kafo said...

i like "Pre You"
for real
but then isn't it a cop out?
a slick way for some guy to sweet talk u?

yellow ibo girl said...


Kiibaati said...

I like "Pre You" not just because it answers the-breaking-the-ice questions you get asked early in a relationship but also because it hints of the possibility of a "Post You".

Jennifer A. said...

Lolll...she was "you" before YOU came along...

Sounds like an embryo...

Noni Moss said...

Loll - Jaycee - embryo?
Kiibaati - post you? that's one way of looking at it
Kafo - loll. the guy cant sweet talk you with that - what i was trying to depict was the person is saying "she" was the person who meant as much to me as you do now.
YIB - hope the above clarifies your understanding ;-)

Mak said...

beautiful... I like it.

LondonBuki said...

I was thinking along those lines...

Noni Moss said...

:-D yeah yeah Miss LB

LondonBuki said...


I knew I wouldn't get away with that!

soul said...

hmmm I like this it's interesting..
It's like she was my confidante before you came along
She was my 'other'.. before you
she was my partner.. before you
she was the one I would break my back for ...before you
she was my best friend before you
she was my rock before you
she was my world.. before you.

I've often thought that our friendships are the greatest and biggest love affairs we will ever have.
I always think that friendships teach us how to give ourselves and love another being immensely without complications.
It's like you love your friends passionately, you tolerate their flaws, you leave yourself open with them.

It's why your lovers sometimes get jealous of your friends, because they long for that closeness, that knowingness that you share with your friends.
argggh I better stop now.... (smile)

soul said...

hmmm I like this it's interesting..
It's like she was my confidante before you came along
She was my 'other'.. before you
she was my partner.. before you
she was the one I would break my back for ...before you
she was my best friend before you
she was my rock before you
she was my world.. before you.

I've often thought that our friendships are the greatest and biggest love affairs we will ever have.
I always think that friendships teach us how to give ourselves and love another being immensely without complications.
It's like you love your friends passionately, you tolerate their flaws, you leave yourself open with them.

It's why your lovers sometimes get jealous of your friends, because they long for that closeness, that knowingness that you share with your friends.
argggh I better stop now.... (smile)

Noni Moss said...

LB - loll yeah no way was i letting you go with that one

and Soul - STOP! Its like you knew exactly what i was thinking and where this was coming from. OMG - you're like the only person that got that I was referring to a female friend. hahahaha Even the person i wrote it about didn't get what i was referring to!

And i totally agree about the friendship thing being like your greatest relationship. Her family used to think we were like lesbians because of how close and serious we were.

LondonBuki said...

Gosh! Soul, why now? Why? You had to get it right! LOL!

@Noni Let me be honest, when I read it... I knew you were talking about a female friend. But I did not know what kinda friend... that's why I said I hadn't figured it out.

Noni Moss said...

Whoa! Ok big raised eyebrow. What do you mean by "But I did not know what kinda friend... "??

Loll - please oh! I dont have any other kind of female friends.

Actually, - i did try to be ambiguous about it so it's open to interpretation. it was inspired by a conversation I had with one of my friends about someone I'm no longer friends with. However as I was writing it, I puprosely didn't put any defining charactersitics so it could be anyone relating this or feeling this way.

soul said...

it's the matrix effect...(smile)

on a serious note, it's probably becasue I've been there a few times, when a guy i started dating has said something like..
'I'm here now, you don't need her' or asked that very same question

Dolly said...

She was you, before you came along........still trying to figure it out

omohemi Benson said...

I love this poem,
so simple but says so much.

Noni Moss said...

Thanks Omohemi :-)