I realised after the last few comments that the last poem I had on here was about rape. Not a very nice topic. So to switch it up I've written another one about the joys of sex :-D
I'm a little embarrassed and cringing putting this up. But what the hell. It's a little cheesy (ok a lot) so please dont crucify me if you read this. It's the first happy-ish/upbeat poem (if you can call it that - it's more like a gushy email I would write to my girlfriends) i've written in a while. I'm kinda tired of all the morose depressing ones. Sooo ... yeah.
Sex – Round 1
I just had sex
And oh it was glorious!
I’d forgotten how much fun it can be
The feel of a man’s weight on top of you
The intensity of him
Thrusting away inside you
Ahhh the trembling of your thighs …
We did every position you can think of
He was soo masterful and determined
And so strong!
He flipped me this way and that.
Carried me and flung me all over the bed
On the floor,
Leaning against the wardrobe
On all fours, kneeling and pulling my hair …
He was way too big but I didn’t care
It had been too long a while
And I was insatiable
I knew that it was going to hurt in the morning
But when you haven’t had something this good in a long time,
It makes you greedy for more.
My mind was saying yes
Even as my body was breaking down on me
I am still luxuriating in the after glow
I love stretching
And feeling those unused muscles aching ever so slightly
I’m already thinking of Round 2
And I can’t wait!